Everybody is busy. Maybe you have a super-demanding job, or lots of running around time with your kids. There are times when it seems impossible to get a run into your day. Over the course of my running life I”ve done the “after work” thing, the “instead of lunch” thing”, the “weekend only” thing, and everything in between. I had never been a morning person, so the “early morning before work” thing was never a serious option- until recently. Somehow, I’ve convinced myself to give it a try, and I love it. Once the initial torture of dragging my butt out of bed subsides, I find it incredibly peaceful to be out on the streets and trails before the sun comes up, before the traffic picks up, and before my phone starts buzzing. It seems like a different world in the early early morning and I’ve discovered it helps me start my day better than anything else. I usually get back to my house after an early run, grab a hot cup of coffee as reward, and unwind with the morning news and an amazing sense of satisfaction after conquering the hardest thing I’ll do all day. I’ll definitely post more on this, but when do you run, and why?